
ntel wants a bigger bite of Chinas smartphone market.美国芯片制造商英特尔(Intel)期望夺回中国智能手机市场的更大份额。The US chipmaker has announced plans to invest up to Rmb9bn (about $1.5bn) for a minority stake in Tsinghua Unigroup, a government-affiliated private equity fund that controls Chinese chip designers Spreadtrum Communications and RDA Microelectronics.英特尔已宣告,将投资90亿元人民币 (约合15亿美元),售予享有政府背景的紫光集团(Tsinghua Unigroup)少数股权,紫光集团是中国芯片制造商展讯通信(Spreadtrum Communications)和锐迪科微电子(RDA Microelectronics)的控股公司。The US company plans to work with RDA and Spreadtrum to increase the use of its products inside made-in-China mobiles and tablets.英特尔计划与展讯通信和锐迪科微电子合作,不断扩大内置放中国国产手机和平板电脑的英特尔产品的使用量。This is the latest by Intel chief executive Brian Krzanich to get Intel chips into phones.此际,英特尔CEO布莱恩克兰尼克(Brian Krzanich)正在希望让英特尔芯片转入手机领域。
Mr Krzanich said in a statement:China is now the largest consumption market for smartphones and has the largest number of Internet users in the world.克兰尼克在一份声明中称之为:“中国现在是仅次于的智能手机消费市场,互联网用户数为全球最低。英特尔在中国有29年的投资和经营历史,英特尔与紫光集团的合作还将强化我们为中国及全球其他地区更好的移动客户获取反对的能力。